Third Space focuses not only on Asian American history and ministry but it also has an academic side focusing on Asian American theology and biblical studies. Check out this page for our latest research and activities in the academic world.
IBR Research Group
Asian American Biblical Interpretation: Evangelical Voices
2024 Program
Fri Nov 22 3:30 - 5:30 PM Indigo 204A (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront, San Diego This year our research group will focus on biblical interpretation from non-East Asian cultural contexts focusing in particular on South and Southeast Asia. The program will consist of invited papers which will expound a biblical text from such social locations speaking to their locations and the wider world. Presentations will include some reflection on methodology and those characteristics which distinguish South and Southeast Asian biblical interpretation. Two respondents, one East Asian, as well as discussion from the floor will be included. Questions can be directed to Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Max Lee ([email protected]). Max Lee, North Park Theological Seminary, Presiding (5 min) Boaz Johnson, North Park University Reading the Creation of Humankind in Gen. 1 and 2 in the Context of South Asian Aboriginal, Slave, and Outcaste Creation Poems (20 min) Philip P. Chia, Australian College of Theology, CTCA, Respondent (5 min) David A. deSilva, Ashland Theological Seminary Reading Hebrews in a Sri Lankan Context (20 min) Joyce del Rosario, Seattle Pacific University, Respondent (5 min) Break (5 min) Chakrita M. Saulina, University of Cambridge Empowering Place and Expanding Eden: An Indonesian Batak Reading of the Theology of the Land in the Book of Acts (20 min) Philip P. Chia, Australian College of Theology, CTCA, Respondent (5 min) Ekaputra Tupamahu, Portland Seminary Reading Romans 8:15 in an Interreligious Context of Indonesia (20 min) Joyce del Rosario, Seattle Pacific University, Respondent (5 min) Discussion (10 min) *Click here for access to papers (password protected) |
2023 Program
Fri Nov 17 San Antonio We had another successful program in 2023 on the theme of "Family, Kinship and Community" at the SBL and IBR meetings in San Antonio (November). Papers were presented by Michelle Lee-Barnewall of Biola, Daniel Lee of Fuller, Esther Cen of Seattle Pacific and Xenia Chan of Toronto School of Theology. Respondents were Dan Wu of Moore Theological College and Elizabeth Sung of Regent.